Monday, April 27, 2009

perio grafting - helena

Preserve ridge for anterior implants

Bone grafting - repair (GBR), rebuild (fenestration, dehiscence), restore

Medications such as bisphosphonates stop osteoclastic activity, affect succes rate of grafting

soft tissue grafting - if interdental papilla is of gd height, gd chance of success

narrow defect better chance to restore
V shape better than U shape

healing - revascularisation 3-11 days, tissue maturation 11-42 days, 30% shrinkage, therefore usually over contour

pfm vs full porcelain -wkm

anterior full porcelain - 100% success rate
posterior full porcelain - 95%
Posterior - bruxism better to use metal esp 2nd molar, if porcelain must have enough reduction

anterior zirconia base - 0.4mm, posterior 0.6mm

to have sufficient space for papilla, there should be 5mm from crown contact pt to bone(bone sounding)

empress I is good for anterior, except discoloured teeth, can try bleaching agents under temp crown

procera strongest, 5 year warranty

cementing for gd tooth structure, use cr, if sclerotic dentine, use rmgic (luting agent)

when using retraction cord, min. put on for 4mins

to trim sub G prep, trim to gingiva, put retraction cord then trim again to prevent gg past biological width

cerac is good for inlay/onlay only, poor strength

pfm definitely no for anterior aesthetic zone, blocks light

if papilla shrink due to poor proV, recreate the space in final crowns and papilla will grow back, DO NOT add porcelain to cover the space as the papilla will be compressed.

its ok for zirconia base to be exposed, white so no need to over prep