Monday, February 9, 2009

Other causes of Pain (feel free to add)

1) Dentin pain - brief, sharp twinge
2) Pulpal pain - deep, demanding, radiating pain precipitated by thermal shock to an inflamed pulp. pain may be spontaneous
3) Periodontal pain - The aggravating throbbing of a sore tooth.

Crack Tooth Syndrome

s/s: pain on biting, TTP, Wedge test +ve(not always), sensitive to cold air/water/sweets, , may be pulpitic

tx: molar band may be used to confirm diagnosis followed by crown or rct + crown

s/s: TTP(upper molars), history of runny nose, morning sinusitis, pain when walking down stairs
x-ray - cloudy sinus on affected side, apex of molar root near or into sinus space

tx: exlude all other causes of pain, referral to ent or
acute: prescribe antibiotics (augmentin useful), antihistamines/decongestants, review, kiv rct/exo
chronic: nasal irrigation

Trigeminal Neuralgia
s/s: intense pain(burning or shock-like) on touch(skin) or movement, one sided. lasts anywhere from a few seconds to as long as 2 minutes per episode

1)Medication - Anticonvulsant medicines (carbamazepine), Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline)
2)neurosurgical procedures.
-A rhizotomy is a procedure in which select nerve fibers are destroyed to block pain. A rhizotomy for TN causes some degree of permanent sensory loss and facial numbness.
  • Balloon compression
  • Glycerol injection
  • Radiofrequency thermal lesioning
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery
3)complementary techniques, usually in combination with drug treatment. These therapies offer varying degrees of success. Options include acupuncture, biofeedback, vitamin therapy, nutritional therapy, and electrical stimulation of the nerves.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reduced OVD

Signs and symptoms:
- overclosure
- angular cheilitis
- cheek biting
- poor aesthetics, facial profile not supported
- less biting force

- generalised attrition of teeth due to old age
- loss of posterior occlusal stops( posterior teeth) over a long period of time.

Tx options:
- Full mouth rehab (full mouth crowns)
- overlay partial dentures.
Note: the posterior occlusal stops of the overlay partial dentures not to be in acrylic, in case of fracture.

Gummy Smile

Treatment options:
1) ortho + orthognathic surgery.
- to determine incisal show at rest. If originally, the incisal show at rest is 3-4mm. (normal) After orthognathic surgery, incisal show at rest will be approx nil. (which gives pt an aged look)
- to discuss with pt on the above and manage pt's expectations.

2) gingivectomy, kiv Crown lengthening.

Friday, February 6, 2009



Amoxycillin 500mg tds x5/7

Amoxycillin (125mg/5ml) susp 5ml tds x 5/7 (PEDO)

Co-Trimoxazole Tab (Adult) BP 400mg bd x5/7

Clindamycin 150mg tds x5/7

Erythromycin 400mg bd x 5/7

EES 400 400mg bd x5/7

Clarithromycin 500mg bd x5/7

Metronidazole 400mg tds x7/5

Tetracycline 3% ointment bd prn


Nystatin oral suspension 100,000 u/ml 1ml qds x1week (continue 48hrs after s/s disappear)

Miconazole oral gel 2% bd prn


Paracetamol 1000mg tds x 5/7

Paracetamol syrup (120mg/5ml) 5ml tds x 5/7(<6yrs)>10yrs)

Anarex 2 tabs tds x 5/7

Mefenamic acid (Ponstan) 500mg tds x 5/7

Ibuprofen 400mg tds x5/7

Diclofenac Sodium 25mg tds x5/7

Codeine Phosphate 30mg tds x5/7

Panadeine 2 tabs tds x5/7

Tramadol 50mg tds x5/7

Anxiolytic & TMD

Diazepam 2mg bd x3/7

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Carbamazepine CR(Tegretol) 200mg bd x3/7


Stemetil 10mg bd x3/7


Chlorpheniramine 4mg tds x3/7


Chlorhexidine 0.2% 15ml bd x5/7

Difflam mouth gel tds

Difflam Solution 15ml tds


Triamcinolone oral paste 0.1% tds prn

Kenalog in Orabase bd prn

Oracort E bd prn


Famotidine 20mg bd x5/7

Antacid 1 tab tds prn

Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive paste B79 prn

Danzen 5mg tds x5/7

Dequalinium Lozenges 1loz tds prn

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Heparin Pts (dialysis)

LMW heparins

-surgical procedures can be done 12 hours after administration of last dose
-slow metabolism may occur in presence of significant renal failure

Warfain pts

Important to seek clearance from med

Before exo, determine INR

INR 2-2.5 : simple atraumatic exos, restorative work + local measures for bleeding control

INR 2.5-3.5 : Bleeding should not be a problem, may consult physician who may consider reduction of dose, stop warfarin or convert to heparin(stop 2 days preop, convert to heparin, postop start warfarin simultaneously with heparin, stop heparin when INR back)

Drugs to avoid:

Aspirin, Nsaids, paracetamol
Azoles antifungals
prolonged broad-spectrum ab (amox, ampi, tetra, cephalosporins)
metronidazole, erythromycin, sulphonamides, corticosteroids

2) inhibition
carbamazepine, azathioprine, cyclosporin, barbiturates

Local Measures - suturing, gelatine sponges, tranexamic acid(1g tds)

Antiplatelet Drugs ( aspirin )

Aspirin <100mg no need to stop
Avoid prescribing medication that enhances bleeding - Nsaids, corticosteroids

Pts with Drug Eluting Stents are usually prescribed with 2 antiplatelet drugs, never STOP medication within 3 months of stent placement, high chance of thrombosis

Antibiotics Prophylaxis (AB cover)

Bruxism (incomplete)

Signs & Symptoms:
1)grinding/clenching of teeth
2)worn out tooth surfaces, sore facial muscles in the morning
3)square face(muscular masseters?)

Causes: psychogenic, genetic, stress

Treatment options:
1)splint therapy ($400 @ dentalcare), hypnotherapy, tricyclic antidepressants(muscle relaxants, may also help with underlying psychological problems)
2)crown restorations
3)overdentures (?)

Anterior Open Bite (incomplete)

Signs & Symptoms: Flared and spaced maxillary incisors, lingually positioned lower incisors, narrow upper arch

1) digit sucking
2) abnormal tongue function
3) increased LAFH, backward growth rotation
4) Muscular dystrophy (decrease in muscle tone -> mandible rotates downwards -> increased LAFH)
5) Iatrogenic open bite due to poorly fabricated appliance
6) Pathological AOB - cleft lip, palate and trauma

Treatment options: Stop habit, intraoral appliance (maxillary lingual arch with anterior crib device)